perm filename HP.AF[AM,DBL] blob sn#750611 filedate 1984-04-12 generic text, type T, neo UTF8
To: Interested members of the HPP Exec Committee
From: Doug Lenat
Date: April 12, 1983    -- VERSION 4

This is an initial draft (Mark 4); please keep this confidential!

Primary goals: 
	Raising a large amount of unrestricted funds for HPP
	Not disrupting the work or directions of the HPP
Secondary goals:
	Avoiding conflicts with Teknowledge, Intelligenetics, etc.
	Avoiding stealing companies from the Computer Forum
	Not giving out too much of any resource, e.g. office space
	Providing excellent value received, in reality and subscriber perceptions
	Providing opportunities, not at all binding on us, for some
		collaborative research with some member companies
	Provide HPP with a pool of human resources both for labor and expertise
	We accept up to ten companies as HPP-IAP members 
	There are two tiers of membership: (A) Support a grad student: $35k
					   (B) Full IAP membership: $70k
Outputs (i.e., the services we provide):

 Option (A):

During the year, the student visits their sponsor, and gives a talk on the
project they are workin on.   Their advisor keeps the sponsor appraised of
progress on the project, and overall at HPP, through an occasional phone call
or letter (at least annually).  At the end of the award period, the student
writes a report of the state of the project, which is sent to the sponsor.
We also provide some subset of option (B) benefits that do not require much
cost or effort.

 Option (B):

(1) Visitors: the company can visit HPP once during the year, at its
convenience, for a day (visting group limited in size).  Longer visits
by mutually agreeable individuals may be arranged, by mutual consent, for
additional charges, but are certainly not expected or obligated.
In rare cases, of OUR choosing, the company's and individual's goals and
abilities may coincide with our own research interest, and some collaborative
research may be undertaken (again, at additional cost to the company).  In
such cases, the research component should dominate -- we don't want to weaken
the HPP, or compete with Teknowledge, by undertaking simply an engineering task.
We include a sentence like "While we cannot promise that more substantial
collaborative research will develop with each member, that was one reason
for our forming this program."

(2) Consulting: HPP provides one annual visit by an HPP faculty or staff member,
who gives a talk and spends the rest of the day consulting with them.
The individual, date, and place, are chosen by mutual consent.
We (HPP) pay whichever faculty/staff member makes the trip $1000 in unrestricted
funds.   Additional consulting time may be arranged, of course,
by mutual agreement, but is not guaranteed or implied.

(3) HPP Conference:  We hold an annual 1 (or 1.5) day meeting.
It is structured to be informative to, and open to, HPP students, staff,
and to the HPP-IAP members as well.  
Each company sends 4 repreentatives.  All the talks are videotaped that
day, and copies are made. Each member company gets a copy of those tapes and
hardcopies of the vugraphs used.  We may wish to make this part of a longer
HPP retreat some years, with the remainder of the meeting closed to non-HPPers.

(4) SIGLUNCH: the companies get SIGLUNCH notices, and each is free to
send 1-2 attendees. We videotape some of our SIGLUNCHES (but NONE of our 
RIPLUNCHES or special HPP project meetings, and only those Siglunches where
the speaker consents) and distriute copies of the tapes to members.

(5) Courses: one company visitor is welcome (as a paid auditor) at any seminars
and AI courses our faculty happen to be teaching (222,102,223,224,225,229, etc.)
We pay the auditing fee for one visitor for one one-quarter course per year; if
they want one or two more during the academic year, they pay for them.

(6) Library/Computer/Memo: privleges at the CS library, and if they request
it at the main Stanford library.  Moderate use of Xerox machine, SCORE or
SUMEX account (for mail purposes only), hardcopies of HPP memos and CS reports.
Companies will be made aware that HPP Working Papers are available, and are to be
treated confidentailly.  We also provide hardcopies of HPP theses as they emerge.

(7) Software: We will provide access to our languages and programs
that we wish to disseminate anyway, making them aware of what we offer
and advising them on which, if any, might be appropriate to them.
We do not extend, or guarantee to maintain, any software, however.

Cost of services (for each company, presuming 5-10 members):
Visitors: use canned demos and tours, this is about 8 hours; value est. $1k
Consulting: Paying $1k consulting fee to HPP individual (unrestricted funds)
HPP Conf: $2k, including the videotapes, food, etc.
Siglunch: 30 videotapes: $2k
Courses: auditing fees paid to the university: $1k
Lib/Comp/Memos: $2k 
Administrative and secretarial costs: $1k (about 1/2 extra person for this)
Software: essentially none; small tape copying fees from time to time.

Total: $10k.
For 10 companies, this would net 10x(70-10)= $600k/year in unrestricted funds.

Management: We are already overburdened with administrative matters.
I have amortized half a person (perhaps only a third, given overhead)
but we may need more.

	Check the costs, legalities, conflicts, etc. 
	Send final proposal to Gene Golub for approval
	Then send it to Jerry Lieberman for approval
	Prepare brochure
	Recruit the companies
	Begin videotaping Siglunches
	Arrange the annual HPP retreat